Diamond is the world most valuable, is the world's hardest substance. It has a history of at least 40 billion years, almost the same life and the Earth. Its chemical composition is mainly carbon; high temperatures in the combustion will generate carbon dioxide, almost no ash. It is with this beautiful and pure, both hard and intangible property, given the tremendous mystery of diamonds.
According to records, 3,000 years ago in ancient India, Krishna discovered the first diamond valley, people do not know what it is, and as with evil magic. Thus, in Sanskrit, the word diamond is the meaning of lightning, in order to express the diamond by the lightning born of faith. The ancient Greeks believed that diamonds are the stars fall to pieces on the planet, and even suggested that the diamond is god dripping tears, or condensation of dew and water from the heaven. In ancient legend, the diamond was once considered to avoid the addition to the demons, it was also believed to swallow the diamond powder to rid the body of toxins and prevent madness.
Middle Ages, the Western view that the diamond is the invincible symbol of the courage and masculinity, are eligible only royal wear diamonds. Until the 15th century, at the wedding, suitors presented to girls the diamond wedding ring to enter into marriage as a ritual, which, together with the traditional diamond ring into a marriage of Western culture. Begin with the diamond ring was a natural crystal set, one that had been precision cut rough diamonds, much less today, as finely crafted diamond shine.
In the 16th century, diamond polishing and cutting were the increasingly widespread used; it started to become a royal wedding ceremony set conditions and essential keepsake. In 1919, Khodorkovsky asked the optical properties of diamond-based design were seen as the cutting from the foundation of modern diamond cutting, square, horse eye shape, oval, triangular, trapezoidal and other shapes of diamonds have emerged. In 1953, Diamond released the 4C standard, quality, purity, fineness, such as a diamond cut grade criteria and guidance.
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